Why ecosero?
ecosero offers you innovative, GDPR compliant solutions from a single source for all your
Webinars, courses and further training
Consulting and coachings
Online meetings and video conferences
Video consultation hours
Digitise your Attend events and turn your knowledge into money.

All-in-One solution
ecosero offers everything from one source for your online
events of any kind. Precisely adapted to your requirements.
No more tool salad.
Tested GDPR compliant
ecosero is fully DSGVO-compliant with servers in Germany and order processing contracts.
Uncomplicated integration
As a white label solution, ecosero has a modern architecture. This enables seamless integration into your website and IT landscape with your corporate identity.
Completely web-based
ecosero is completely web-based for all user groups and can be used from anywhere via any end device without software installation.
In-house service & support
ecosero does not leave you out in the cold. Our in-house service and support will help you in case of problems.
Strong selling & good value
Page de vente et traitement des paiements pour les webinaires, les cours ou les sessions de coaching. Pas de frais de transaction en cas de vente par facture.
Très bon rapport qualité-prix grâce à notre modèle de licence sans nom.
What distinguishes ecosero from other providers?
Find out more here about the many advantages we offer you with all our products.
Choose your live demo appointment!
Simple, intuitive and easy to administer
Via your administration area, you can intuitively maintain the content and configure the look & feel of your ecosero web solution.